The state’s collective agreement negotiations are up and running again

The state’s pay negotiations continued, but no agreement was yet reached on the new agreements. JHL members want high inflation to be taken into account in pay raises.
The state's collective agreement negotiations were continued last Friday. The negotiations concern not only pay raises but also the entire collective agreement for government. The parties did not reach an agreement on pay raises in December, which is the reason for the current negotiating situation.
JHL sent a survey to its members employed by the state to chart what needs for change they have concerning the agreement. The answers emphasise goals related to working time and combining work and family life. JHL members replied eagerly to questions related to pay raise amount and structure.
– The message sent by JHL members was clear. It’s important to take high inflation into account in pay raises, Bargaining Specialist Erika Mattsson states.
Main contracting organisations have shared goals
In accordance with long-standing tradition, the state’s main contracting organisations provided the employer with their shared goals last Friday. The employer submitted its goals as well. The parties presented their goals, after which a specifying discussion was held. The goals will be processed in more detail in the negotiations taking place on 10 February.
The main contracting organisations for the state have terminated the general collective agreements for government to end on 28 February 2023.
Government employees and other employees are represented in the state’s negotiations by the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL, Trade Union Pro and Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO. The employer party is represented by the Office for the Government as Employer (VTML).
More information:
Erika Mattsson, Bargaining Specialist, 0400 461 411
Harri Turunen, Senior Bargaining Specialist, 050 461 9303
P.S. What else is happening on JHL's collective agreement negotiation front? Check the current negotiating situation here.