Wellbeing services counties now have their own collective agreement

Since 1 March 2023, the personnel of wellbeing services counties have had its own collective agreement, HYVTES. Approximately 25,000 employees and public servants will transfer to be covered by it.
In practice, the agreement’s provisions are similar to those of the current KVTES agreement. The changes are mainly technical. Wellbeing services counties will no longer comply with the provisions of KVTES and municipal collective agreement for tehcnical personnel TS.
The general collective agreement for the welfare sector (HYVTES) is valid from 1 March 2023 to 30 April 2025. The executive bodies of the parties approved the agreement on Tuesday 7 March 2023.
HYVTES determines the terms and conditions of employment for the entire wellbeing services county personnel. These include annual holiday, leaves of absence and shop steward provisions, meaning that they also apply to those who are covered by the health and social services sector's SOTE agreement and physicians’ agreement, and to employees and public servants who have transferred to wellbeing services counties.
For instance employer names, various references, and dates were updated in HYVTES provisions. In addition, unnecessary provisions were removed. These include family day carer and farm relief worker appendices, and provisions related to teachers, because teachers will not transfer to wellbeing services counties. They will remain covered by teachers’ collective agreement OVTES.
Three pay appendices will be introduced in HYVTES (in Finnish):
- Appendix 1: Personnel working within certain administrative specialist duties, clerical and ICT duties, and within internal service operation
- Appendix 2: Catering personnel
- Appendix 3: Service personnel in other sectors
Other appendices:
- Appendix 4: Recommendation by the negotiation parties to promote compilation of HYVTES pay statistics
- Appendix 5: Special provisions concerning the employment of people with disabilities
- Appendix 6: Remunerations of travel costs
- Appendix 7: Provisions concerning the technical sector
The pay raises are exactly the same as in the municipal sector’s agreement and in the health and social services sector’s SOTE agreement. The municipal and welfare sector’s development programme 2023−2027 concerning pay structures and pay systems also applies to those who are covered by HYVTES.
The business transfer that took place on 1 January 2023 and the change of agreement in the middle of the agreement period on 1 March 2023 must not cause a recalculation or any other weakening in the terms and conditions of employment.
According to statistics, over 6,000 JHL members are transferring to HYVTES. Out of these members, 3,900 are transferring from KVTES (municipal agreement), 2,100 from TS (agreement for technical personnel) and a few dozen from TTES (agreement for hourly-paid employees). Once the employees have been placed within their correct collective agreements, we will have the final numbers. The agreements are HYVTES, SOTE agreement and LS (physicians’ agreement).
The parties are currently preparing a circular about the topic. The circular for instance emphasises the fact that this change of collective agreement taking place in the middle of the agreement period is not going to change the content and interpretation of KVTES, or the terms and conditions of the personnel’s employment. In addition, we will give separate instructions on distributing the arrangement instalment in June 2023.
Read more about HYVTES:
HYVTES hyvinvointialan yleinen virka- ja työehtosopimus (pdf)
HYVTES Teknisen alan liite 7 2023-2025 (pdf)
More information:
Bargaining Specialist Marko Heikkinen, tel. 040 7130 150
Bargaining Specialist (provisions that concern the technical sector) Karita Alanko, tel. 050 302 5246