JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps for the private social services sector

The Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps for the private social services sector. The ban will start on Tuesday 21 June 2022, it will be in place until further notice. With the ban, JHL wishes to speed up the stuck collective agreement negotiations.
The ban on overtime and shift swaps concerning the private social services sector will start on Tuesday 21 June 2022 at 12.01 am. The ban will be in place until further notice. The ban concerns all employer organisations within the agreement sector, and all work duties.
The collective agreement of the private social services sector expired at the end of April. Since then, the sector has been undergoing a period without agreement. The negotiations started in mid-February.
- For the private social services sector, JHL is aiming for, say, pay raises that would improve workforce availability and make salaries correspond better to the demands of the work, JHL President Päivi Niemi-Laine states.
– Negotiations have been conducted for about four months already. So far, though, the employer’s proposals have been far from acceptable. JHL's goal is to reach an agreement during June, JHL's negotiators Laura Kovalainen and Tanja Tuunainen-Vainio state.
In Finland, there are thousands of workplaces that produce private social services. The sector’s professionals work in, say, private day care centres, assisted living and nursing homes, housing services for people with disabilities, mother-and-child homes, shelters, substance abuse centres, child protection, and as personal assistants. Over 70,000 employees work in the sector. The sector's collective agreement also applies to non-organised employers, meaning that it is generally binding.
More information:
President Päivi Niemi-Laine, 040 702 4774
Senior Bargaining Specialist Laura Kovalainen, 050 408 2730
Bargaining Specialist Tanja Tuunainen-Vainio, 050 463 2243