JHL and other trade unions to organise a demonstration on Senate Square on 5 April: Time to lift the municipal sector out of the pay gap

JHL, Jyty and JUKO are inviting everyone to a demonstration on Senate Square in Helsinki on 5 April from 5 pm to 7 pm. Now it’s time to show how important you think the municipal sector’s work is!
The employees of the municipal sector keep Finland going. They care for children and educate them, take care of libraries and run services without which our daily life would not run smoothly. Regardless of this, they are in a pay gap year after year.
Professionals in, say, schools, early childhood education and care and in the health and social services sector work in multiprofessional teams. For that reason, everyone needs a pay raise, regardless of occupational title.
– For years, the employees have settled for small pay raises that have been justified by Finland's competitive ability. They kept this country going throughout the coronavirus crisis. The municipal sector’s employees have earned their pay raises, the time for them is now, JHL president Päivi Niemi-Laine emphasises.
Trade Union JHL, Jyty and JUKO are organising a large demonstration on Senate Square on 5 April, and you are invited. Let’s make noise together for proper pay, more humane working life, and well-functioning services!
There will also be various performers in the demonstration, the event will be hosted by Ina Mikkola. Details will be updated in the Facebook event, click now to join and invite your friends, too!