Wellbeing services county employees, check your payslips

Wellbeing services counties started operating at the beginning of January. Their employees have been worried about salary payment. Will they receive a correctly calculated salary at the agreed time? We will get the first experiences of that today, Friday 13 January. Employees should make sure that the payslips are correct.
The first possible pay day for wellbeing services counties is today, Friday 13 January. Permanent employees and office-holders covered by the KVTES and SOTE agreements have their pay day at the latest on the 16th day of the calendar month. The pay day of fixed-term employees is the last weekday of the month, unless agreed otherwise locally.
According to the stipulations of SOTE and KVTES, employers must give employees a payslip in connection to salary payment. The payslip must indicate the amount of the salary paid to the employee and the grounds for salary determination. Always check your payslip with care. If there is anything unclear about it, take up the matter with your supervisor or the payroll administration.
Check your payslip as soon as you receive it
If you transferred to the service of a wellbeing services county at the turn of the year, check your payslip as soon as you receive it. If you notice any mistakes, notify your supervisor immediately and ask that the mistakes are rectified.
If you have been paid too much salary, that is also a mistake of which you should notify your superior immediately.
If the mistake is not rectified, contact your shop steward. To clarify the matter, the shop steward will need information about the salary mistake. They will also need all material related to the case, such as the shift roster and possible related e-mails. You should thus hold on to all documents related to salary payment, for instance shift rosters.
If you transferred to the service of a wellbeing services county at the turn of the year, check your payslip as soon as you receive it. If you notice any mistakes, notify your supervisor immediately and ask that the mistakes are rectified.