Union Council has approved the negotiation result for the state

The negotiations on the state’s terms and conditions of public office and employment ended with success on Monday evening.
Trade Union JHL’s Union Council has approved the new general collective agreements for the state. The Union Council is JHL's highest executive body. In its extraordinary meeting on Tuesday evening 1 March, the Union Council approved the negotiation result.
On Monday evening 28 February, those representing the employees and the employer reached an understanding on the general collective agreements for the state.
The previous general collective agreement had been terminated that same day. Because agreement has been reached, the state will not have to enter a period without agreement.
The negotiation result follows the 1+1 model.
This is a two-year negotiation result valid from 1 March 2022 to 29 February 2024. It follows the 1+1 model, meaning that negotiations on the second year’s pay settlement must be conducted by 21 December 2022.
In case the negotiation parties do not reach agreement concerning the second year, the agreement may, if necessary, be terminated after its first year of validity.
Result of long and hard talks
The negotiations conducted on pay and other terms and conditions were tough. Starting from the end of last year, remote negotiations were conducted. Last week, the negotiation parties met face to face in state premises in Helsinki.
The negotiation result will now be submitted for approval of other negotiation parties’ executive bodies. After that, JHL will give information on the exact content of the agreements.
In addition to JHL, the organisations Pro and Juko are involved in the general collective agreement for the state.
More information:
Jorma Viiala, senior bargaining specialist, 040 310 1215
Erika Mattsson, bargaining specialist, 0400 461 411
P.S. Where are the hardest negotiation battles being fought? Which negotiations are over and done with? To check the negotiating situation for every JHL sector, visit https://www.jhl.fi/en/latest-news/themes/collective-agreement-negotiations-2022/negotiating-situation/. Also follow the latest news on JHL’s Facebook and Twitter.