JHL will make a donation to low-income families this Christmas

This year, JHL will donate the funds intended for Christmas cards to the Good Holiday Spirit collection. The aim is to raise EUR 1.5 million in 2022. With the help of the donated funds, the collection will bring joy to 21,000 low-income families with a food gift voucher worth EUR 70. With the vouchers, the families can buy Christmas food.
As a result of the campaign, poverty in families with children has become a public topic of conversation and decision makers are aware of it. JHL is donating EUR 10,000 to the charity campaign.
The collection is organised by Finnish Red Cross and the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare in cooperation with the Finnish Broadcasting Company. If you wish to donate as a private individual, read more at hyvajoulumieli.fi/en/.
We wish all our members and partners Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year 2023!