Collective agreement negotiations for the private social services sector have ended without a result
Despite tough battles, negotiations on the private social services sector’s collective agreement have ended without a result. JHL will start to prepare organisational measures. Members are asked to follow the union’s communications actively.
During the spring, tough battles have been fought about the private social services sector’s terms and conditions of employment and salaries. The views of the employer and employee parties have been quite far apart, and no solution has been found.
The negotiations ended without a result on Friday April 28th 2023. JHL will start to prepare organisational measures. JHL is asking its members to follow the union's communications actively, and to update their contact information immediately in the myJHL service.
Employees are represented in the agreement by Trade Union JHL, health and social services sector’s negotiation organisation Sote, Talentia Union of Professional Social Workers and social services sector alliance Salli. The employer is represented by the Finnish Association of Private Care Providers.
In Finland, there are thousands of workplaces that produce services within the sector. The sector’s professionals work in, say, private day care centres, assisted living and nursing homes, housing services for people with disabilities, mother-and-child homes, shelters, substance abuse centres, child protection, and as personal assistants. Over 70,000 employees work in the sector.
More information:
Bargaining Specialist Hanna Katajamäki, 050 513 7701
Bargaining Specialist Tanja Tuunainen-Vainio, 050 463 2243