You can now get the materials of your trade union more easily from JHL’s revamped material bank
Your trade union JHL has revamped the material bank where you can find for example our logo, our campaign materials and our interesting occupational sector guides! Check out the new material bank in the familiar address
JHL’s branches, media and JHL’s partners can now use the trade union’s materials more easily than ever. Your trade union JHL opened a new material bank in April 2024. Now you have even easier access to photos of the trade union’s management, JHL’s campaign materials, occupational sector guides, brochures and more! You will find the material bank at
You have free access to the materials
You can use most of the material bank materials without logging in.
You only need to log in the material bank if you want to use copyright-protected photos. Materials that require login are intended for JHL’s local branches. Remember to identify JHL as the source and copyright owner of the photos. Local branches can order material bank login credentials for their use.