Use your membership benefit: sing up for JHL’s free training!

Your trade union JHL offers a great selection of courses in 2025, including several courses that are specifically targeted to our immigrant members. Most of JHL's courses are cost-free to you. Come and learn new skills with us!
JHL members can improve their occupational and working life skills for free! We take care of travel costs, course fees, accommodation, and meals. Find the perfect course for you in our course and event calendar (in Finnish)!
You can also explore JHL’s course guide. Courses in English are on page 39.
We offer courses also in English and Easy Finnish, plus language courses for trade union activities and working life
We organise many kinds of training all year round and in different locations around Finland. Registration for courses ends on Mondays approximately five weeks before the course starts.
JHL organises in 2025 also several course and events that are designed specifically with our immigrant members in mind. These include courses in English and Easy Finnish, as well as courses where you can learn Finnish for trade union activities and working life:
- JHL in English, 12 to 14 February 2025 (registration has ended), Helsinki, JHL Institute
- Työelämäohjaaja (Working life counsellor), this training is for JHL members who are interested in becoming working life counsellors for immigrants and it is in Finnish, 12 to 14 March 2025, Tampere
- JHL tutuksi selkokielellä (Learn about JHL in Easy Finnish), 10 to 11 April 2025, Tampere
- Opi suomea: ay-aktiivin viestintätaidot (Learn Finnish: communication skills for trade union actives), 24 to 25 April 2025, Tampere
- Kohti luottamustehtävää ja sen yli (Towards and beyond a position of responsibility), in Easy Finnish, 13 to 14 September 2025, Helsinki, JHL Institute
- Opi suomea: työelämän suomi (Learn Finnish: Finnish for working life), 18 September 2025, remote training
- Know your rights, 24 to 26 September 2025, Tampere
- JHL tutuksi selkokielellä (Learn about JHL in Easy Finnish), 2 to 3 October 2025, Helsinki, JHL Institute
- National training for immigrant networks (by invitation), 22 to 23 November 2025, Helsinki
Our courses are for JHL members. Join us today!
Join JHL!
JHL is the most diverse trade union in Finland. Our members work in about one thousand different occupations in welfare and public services. You can be for example a social welfare or health care professional, a youth worker or an early childhood education and care expert, a cleaner, a cook, a secretary, a security guard or a train conductor, and we are your trade union!