Suggest a Star Professional!

JHL is looking for Star Professionals to be awarded among its members. Let us know about your fabulous co-worker!
Do you have a co-worker with whom it's a joy to work? Do you know a person who’s further developed their work or who's especially popular among customers or clients? In case the answer is yes, you may be working with a true Star Professional! Send us a tip about this person by using the form below!
JHL is also looking for a Star Bunch, meaning alliances of different people – branches, forums, divisions, networks and so on – that would deserve an award for further developing their sector, for advocacy in society, for good and inclusive branch activities, or for some other activities for the common good. The Star Professional award is granted to a JHL member, and the Star Bunch must be an entity under JHL, or the actives in it must be JHL members.
JHL is happy to receive all kinds of suggestions on Star Professionals and Star Bunches, so don’t hesitate to take part! The person who writes the best justification will get a JHL-themed product award.
Send your suggestion by 1 May 2024!
Stars are awarded at JHL's Star Professional Days – join us!
The Star Professionals to be awarded will be invited as guests of honour to JHL's Star Professional Days on 11–12 October 2024, including participation in the whole event and an evening gala with a partner. The Star Professional Days will take place at Tampere Hall, and in addition to an evening gala they include an occupational programme, networking and learning new things. The event is only meant for JHL members.
Suggest a Star Professional or Star Bunch by using the form below!