Strike warning for the private teaching sector

JHL, OAJ and Jyty issued together a strike warning for the private teaching sector. The strike would take place on 23 and 24 April in selected private educational institutions mainly in the largest cities.
A strike warning has been issued for the private teaching sector. JHL, Trade Union of Education in Finland OAJ and Trade Union Jyty have warned of a two-day strike on 23 and 24 April in private educational institutions in large cities.
The strike begins if an agreement is not reached, and it would concern shifts that start between Tuesday 23 April 12.01 am and Wednesday 24 April 11.59 pm.
The strike would concern the following workplaces
- Helsingin suomalainen yhteiskoulu
- Herttoniemen Yhteiskoulu ja reaalilukio
- Hyria Koulutus Oy
- International School of Helsinki
- Kalevan lukio, Tampere
- Kouluyhdistys Pestalozzi Schulverein Skolföreningen - Helsingin saksalainen koulu
- Kulosaaren Yhteiskoulu
- Lahden yhteiskoulun säätiö
- Lauttasaaren Yhteiskoulu
- Oulunkylän Yhteiskoulu
- Pohjois-Haagan Yhteiskoulu
- Suomen Diakoniaopisto – Sdo Oy
- Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors
- Tampereen yhteiskoulun lukio
- Töölön Yhteiskoulu
- Viipurin reaalikoulu - Maunulan Yhteiskoulu and Helsingin Matematiikkalukio
Such work tasks where not carrying out the tasks might endanger life, health, safety or property will be ruled outside the strike. The following work tasks and individuals are also ruled outside the strike: work tasks that are necessary for organising the final exams of IB secondary schools, principals of the schools, members of Opsia ry and KEA ry, as well as the Oulu campus of Suomen Diakoniaopisto (the Diakonia College of Finland).
More information:
Senior Bargaining Specialist Hanna Katajamäki, JHL, 050 5137 701
Bargaining Specialist Laura Tuominen, JHL, 050 4092 460