Let’s all grow JHL’s union power together in member recruitment super weeks starting on 28 October!

More members means more capacity to pursue a fair working life. This is very significant right now, when working conditions and people's livelihoods are cut back. So, let’s all highlight the importance of belonging to the trade union in JHL’s traditional member recruitment weeks!
Ready yourself for two weeks of intensive member recruitment campaigning from 28 October to 10 November 2024. Last year more than 1000 new members joined our trade union during the campaign weeks.
The main focus of member recruitment is on workplaces and educational institutions of occupational sectors that our trade union represents. The best way to explain the benefits of the trade union and to recommend membership is talking face to face.
Active individuals of the local branches are in a key role in recruiting new members. They have many different ways to spread the union message into workplaces in the member recruitment weeks. Shop stewards and actives can stop by in workstations for example to take a coffee break together and tell about the trade union and hand out materials while they are there. Bringing also something sweet to enjoy with the coffee should ensure a warm welcome.
If local branches want, they can also give joining members a welcoming gift from the branch.
The trade union’s personnel, too, are on the move around the country during these weeks. They talk about what the trade union does and listen the thoughts of both current members and those who are thinking of becoming members.
Encourage colleagues to join and earn points for yourself
Even if you are not otherwise actively engaged in the trade union yet, you can still contribute to making it stronger and to building a better working life by recommending the trade union membership. So, if you know somebody in your workplace who would benefit from the trade union membership, tell that to them. Tell of all the things that the membership has given to you: the membership benefits, protection of interests, and safety.
When you recommend the membership to your colleagues, you do not just help them – you make the whole community stronger. Every new member brings the union more bargaining power and more weight in decision making.
Getting new members won’t go unrewarded. Member recruiters can earn points for members that they bring and exchange those points for nice rewards. Learn more about JHL’s rewards on the Get involved page, in section Member recruiter. More points can also be purchased from JHL Points online shop. A member recruiter earns 30 points for each new fee-paying member and 12 points for each new student member.
The points will be registered for the member recruiter when the first membership fee has been paid. Points for student members are registered immediately. Points can be exchanged for many useful products on the JHL Bonus Awards site.
JHL’s e-recommendation system is a nice and easy way to market the membership. Use the web page to easily send a recommendation to join JHL as an SMS or a WhatsApp message or via email.
Materials for recommending the membership
The materials of this year's member recruitment weeks are the same as last year. We continue to communicate our important message with the “Someone will take care of it” campaign theme.
We offer for example posters, brochures and badges. Printable materials can be downloaded from JHL’s material bank.
We have also produced great videos that support member recruitment. You can find videos for sharing in our social media channels and on the JHL website. The video below is just one example. Other videos are available for instance at Instagram: @jhlry. You are welcome to share these videos in your own channels.
Trade union membership is the best insurance that you can have in working life
Trade union brings security in working life. It offers real help and support when you need it most. Joining the trade union is now more important than ever.
In our current society, the importance of being organised becomes more and more clear all the time. Strength in numbers is needed in the battle for a fair working life and its terms and conditions. It is an investment in the future at a time when the world around us is changing.
Recruiting members is a vital part of our work in the trade union. We are building together a future where the rights of every employee are secured – and greater numbers mean more capacity for that.