JHL’s strike is expanding: Trains and local traffic will stop, extensive work stoppage for the energy sector

Finland’s train traffic, with the exception of night trains, will stop on Friday 2 February. JHL’s strike will also stop metros, trams, and local trains in the Helsinki Metropolitan Region. The strike will last one day. Furthermore, there will be a large strike in the energy sector at the beginning of February.
The political strikes of the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL are further expanding in January–February. On Friday 2 February, JHL is organising a strike that will stop Finland’s train traffic for one day. The night trains of Northern Finland are not involved in the strike. The strike applies to work shifts that start on Friday 2 February 2024 between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm.
The strike will stop metro and tram traffic in Helsinki. Furthermore, tram traffic in Tampere will cease for the duration of the strike. The strike will also affect bus traffic because bus companies “Helsingin bussiliikenne Oy” and “Turun kaupunkiliikenne” and "Tampereen kaupunkiliikenne Liikelaitos" are involved.
In addition, JHL and other trade unions are organising a strike in the energy sector. Numerous companies responsible for constructing and maintaining electric power networks are involved in the strike. The strike applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Thursday 1 February 2024 and 11.59 pm on Friday 2 February 2024.
“Kaakon Satamat JHL ry”, a division for rail professionals, will carry out a one-day (24h) political industrial action on Thursday 1 February 2024 in the railway yards and sections of the port in Hamina and Kotka. In practice, all railway yard functions will cease. The members of “Kaakon Satamat JHL ry” will also participate in the strike on Friday 2 February that JHL has announced in VR Group.
A list of all the strike locations is at the end of the press release.
Trade Union JHL has already previously notified of large strikes in air traffic and within early childhood education and care in the Helsinki Metropolitan Region. Other trade unions, too, will take heavy strike action in January–February. We’ve been forced to take strike action because the Government is pushing for drastic labour market weakenings and refuses to negotiate with employees, JHL’s Interim President Håkan Ekström reminds.
– The changes that the Government is pushing for only benefit employers. That’s unsurprising, seeing as the Government Programme is like a copy of the elections goals of EK and other employer organisations (EK = Confederation of Finnish Industries). The Government doesn’t negotiate, it dictates. The large strikes are a result of its policy, Ekström says.
The traffic and energy sector strikes are a part of central organisation SAK’s Serious Grounds campaign. The campaign opposes the Government’s unfair policy. Trade Union JHL has been organising political strikes since autumn 2023, and the strikes have been gradually extended. The union is still ready to take further measures if the Government refuses to negotiate about the labour market reforms.
More information:
JHL’s Interim President Håkan Ekström
040 828 2865
More information about the strike in Kotka and Hamina:
Mika Kurttila (deputy chief shop steward of southeastern region, VR Group, Railway logistics southeastern region), 044 993 019
- Suomen energiaurakointi SEU Oy
- KSS-rakennus Oy
- Lahti Energia Sähköverkko Oy
- Tampereen Energia Oy
- Tampereen Energia sähköverkko Oy
- Tampereen Vera Oy
- Enersense IN Oy, district heating work covered by the EIV collective agreement (servicing and maintenance of Helen's district heating network)
Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people's life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action.
The strike applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Thursday 1 February and 11.59 pm on Friday 2 February.
The strikes apply to work shifts that start on Friday 2 February between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm
- Work done in “Helsingin bussiliikenne Oy”
- Tampereen kaupunkiliikenne Liikelaitos (the strike does not apply to public servants)
- Turun kaupunkiliikenne Oy
- Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd
- North Rail
- NRC Group
VR Group
- VR Long-distance Traffic
- VR City Traffic
- VR Transpoint
- VR Fleetcare
Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people's life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action. In addition, passenger night train traffic in Northern Finland has been ruled out of the industrial action.
“Kaakon Satamat JHL ry”, a division for rail professionals, will carry out a one-day (24h) political industrial action on Thursday 1 February 2024 in the railway yards and sections of the port in Hamina and Kotka. In practice, all railway yard functions will cease. The members of “Kaakon Satamat JHL ry” will also participate in the strike on Friday 2 February that JHL has announced in VR Group.
Specification (26 January): NRC Group added to strike locations and effects to bus traffic specified.