You can deduct the trade union membership fee from your taxable income – JHL is the most affordable trade union for the welfare sectors
A trade union membership fee is a tax-deductible expense. Thanks to a tax deduction, JHL’s affordable 1% membership fee actually costs you even less.
You get a tax deduction for your trade union membership fees because the fees are considered expenses for the production of income. Tax deductions lower the amount of tax that you need to pay.
Membership in JHL costs you even less because you get the tax deduction for your membership fees. You get the savings in your income tax.
We report your paid membership fees to the Finnish Tax Administration every year. You get the tax deduction for the trade union membership fees automatically. We take care of all this on your behalf, and you do not need to do a thing.
Examples of trade union membership fee tax deduction
Our membership fee is the most affordable among the welfare sector unions: only 1% of gross income. Thanks to a tax deduction, it actually costs you even less.
Gross pay €2,200 per month:
- With this income you pay €22 per month, or €264 per year, for your JHL membership.
- After the tax deduction the actual cost of the membership fee to you is about €199 per year.
Gross pay €2,700 per month:
- With this income you pay €27 per month, or €324 per year, for your JHL membership.
- After the tax deduction the actual cost of the membership fee to you is about €218 per year.
These calculations are approximate, and they have been made using the calculator of the Finnish Tax Administration. The municipality of domicile is these example calculations is Helsinki, and the trade union member was born in 2000, has no children and does not pay church tax.
Membership fee calculator
If you are working, the JHL membership fee is only one per cent (1%) of your salary. The fee includes comprehensive protection of interests and unemployment security.
Our membership is completely free for full-time students. Learn more: Youth and students.
Join JHL!
JHL is the most diverse trade union in Finland. Our members work in about one thousand different occupations in welfare and public services. You can be for example a social welfare or health care professional, a youth worker or an early childhood education and care expert, a cleaner, a cook, a secretary, a security guard or a train conductor, and we are your trade union!