Helsinki Pride is underway again
This year, Helsinki Pride celebrates the milestones of equality in Finland and abroad. JHL is involved in Pride as a member union of SAK.
Helsinki Pride is underway again! JHL’s central organisation, SAK, is a partner of the event.
Too many people face discrimination and bullying
There is still a long way to go for equality at work. During the past year, about a third of Finnish trade unions have been contacted about bullying, discrimination or inappropriate treatment targeting sexual and gender minorities. The number has not diminished for years. This is one of the findings of the survey conducted by the national labour confederations of Finland (SAK, Akava and STTK). The survey respondents were their member unions.
–Employers should be serious about their obligation of promoting equality at work, SAK’s legal adviser Anu-Tuija Lehto reminds in this news article on SAK’s website (in Finnish).
Homosexuality was decriminalised 50 years ago
This year, Helsinki Pride Week celebrates steps taken towards greater equality. 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of homosexuality decriminalisation in Finland. It has been 40 years since homosexuality was removed from the mental health classification and 30 years since the Helsinki Pride community was founded.
Because of the coronavirus situation, there will be a virtual Pride parade this year as well. Physical events will also be arranged, visit the Pride website to see the whole programme.
Trade union JHL always stands for equality and human rights. Happy Helsinki Pride Week everyone!